Wordly Wise 3000词汇课
December 15, 2022 at 3:27:20 AM

OVERVIEW:This course is designed to help students expand critical grade-level vocabulary, improve reading comprehension, and enhance logic writing in sentences and short stories.Students will learn part of speech, use of context clues, word study (Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes, synonyms and antonyms), grade-level reading, and writing.
LESSON PLAN:There are 15 lessons/20 lessons . Each lesson is taught in two parts.
Part 1: students will practice vocabulary spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, and sentence writing. Popcorn quiz will be conducted in various game forms to enhance understanding and context writing.
Part 2: Students will read informational articles which cover math, science, language, and culture topics and are specifically designed for vocabulary studying to ensure success in spelling, pronunciation, and logic writing.
Students will be expected to have vocabulary tests when each unit ends and short writing for homework.
Home work ideas:
A:Students make sentences for each vocabulary word.
B:Students read the reading part of each lesson and write a question for each paragraph.
C:Students complete the unfinished questions after class. (This may vary based on teaching pace.)
D: Students (younger age) complete sailboat writing for each vocabulary word and write a sentence for it.
I.e. huge
We have a huge boat.
The WW 3000 Series are designed to
help students expand critical grade-level vocabulary
improve reading comprehension
enhance logic writing in sentences and short stories.
Each grade includes 15 lessons. Each lesson is taught in one hour.
Students are REQUIRED to complete homework of part A,B question parts and ten comprehension questions.
Students will learn
part of speech, use of context clues, word study (Greek and Latin roots, prefixes and suffixes, synonyms and antonyms)
grade-level reading
Grammar and sentence writing
students will
practice vocabulary’s spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, and sentence writing.
complete pop quiz for comprehension skills and grammar.
Students will
read informational articles with math, science, language, and social study topics
perfect spelling, pronunciation, part of speech, and comprehension skills.
Materials needed:
notebook, pencil, eraser, highlighter